


1)  立即向丢失地派出所报案,取得报案证明。

2)  到哈尔滨市公安局出入境管理局开具护照丢失证明。

3)  国际学生凭护照丢失证明到所在国驻华(领)馆申请新护照。

4)  取得新护照24小时内,携带新护照及护照丢失证明重新办理《住宿登记表》;并于10日内到出入境事务办公室办理新的签证或停留居留证件。国际学生在中国境内丢失补办护照而未在10日内办理新的居留许可的,构成非法居留。


1)  立即向居住地的派出所备案,更新护照信息,更改住宿登记表。

2)  告知主管老师,携带相关材料重新办理新的居留证件。

Passport Matters

1.Loss of Passport

If an international student finds out that his/her passport is lost or misplaced, he/she must go through the following procedures:

1)  Immediately report the loss to the local police station and obtain a loss of passport report;

2)  Go to the Exit & Entry Administration of Harbin Public Security Bureau to get a certificate of passport loss;

3)  Apply for a new passport with the certificate of passport loss in the embassy of his/her country in China;

4)  Renew the Registration Form of Temporary Residence with the certificate of passport loss and new passport within 24 hours after the new passport has been issued, and apply for a new visa or residence permit via Office of Exit & Entry Administration within 10 days. If an international student does not apply for a new residence permit within 10 days after the new passport has been issued, his/her conduct will be deemed to be illegal residence.

2.Renewal of Passport

1)  After the new visa or residence permit has been issued, students should go to the local police station to renew passport information and the Registration Form of Temporary Residence.

Report to your coordinator with the renewed documents and renew residence permit.